
Manhattan Beach Real Estate Ticker 1/29/15

Big courtyard Spanish at 3011 Elm has a buyer quickly (list: $3.299M)

2004-built Cape Cod at 595 35th will start at $2.999M

Pretty though orig. Liberty Village corner lot home at 1901 Lynngrove starts at $1.149M

Super transformed remodel near Rosecrans at 3613 Walnut chops $50K to $2.649M

Modern remod Village 3br at 24 Santa Cruz Ct. closes for asking: $1.199M

East MB lot (5000 sq. ft.) at 2113 Chestnut closes for $1.100M

Small, orig. 1721 Gates has a full 7500 sq. ft. lot (start: $1.400M)

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