Much of MB Confidential is accessible to any visitor – including active listings and many blog posts.
In order to access some data, analysis and opinion about the Manhattan Beach real estate market, we require you to become an MB Confidential “Insider” by agreeing to the Terms of Use detailed here.
By supplying your information and checking the box to agree, you acknowledge that you fully understand, and will adhere to, the following conditions.
One of the following describes you accurately:
- You are a current or past client of Dave Fratello and/or Confidential Realty; or
- You are not a current client, but you would consider hiring Dave Fratello and/or Confidential Realty at such time as you were actively considering buying, selling or leasing property in Manhattan Beach or nearby areas.
Additional terms of use are:
MLS Data and 'Insider' Info & Usage
- All information obtained by you from the this website is intended only for your personal, noncommercial use;
- You will not copy, redistribute, or retransmit any of the information provided to you from the MLS compilation or from the special “Insider” blog posts or from such other data as may be made available to you exclusively due to your registration as an “Insider” on this site [mbconfidential.com];
- You acknowledge the MLS’s ownership of, and the validity of MLS’s copyright in, the MLS compilation of data displayed on the site;
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- You agree to receive emails from our site, including informative blog posts and other updates, property/listing updates and occasional additional communications, all of which will contain an easy "unsubscribe" option within each email. In addition, we agree to abide by any specific request to unsubscribe you from such communications;
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- You acknowledge that we may disapprove or discontinue your “Insider” subscription and status at any time, for any reason, including in response to any apparent or actual violation of these Terms of Use.
Now, don’t worry! We’re not forcing you to become a client just to read the blog or access specific information. You should feel free to hire anyone at any time – or no one.
If you will consider Dave Fratello and Confidential Realty, that’s enough. We are grateful and happy to share more information; you have no further obligation.