Little 2br at 3612 Poinsettia sold in April 2013 for $935K, now in escrow with list of $1.149M (+23%)
Fixer cottage along Highland on walkstreet at 232 17th has a deal (list: $2.199M)
Modern at 417 34th sold new in Aug. 2012 for $3.230M, in escrow now (list: $3.869M / +20%)
Village TH at 40 Dover Place chops $100K to $1.299M
Big, dated TH at 1341 17th falls out of escrow and cuts (list now: $1.395M)
They sold the Sunset "Idea House" at 111 S. Meadows – in escrow now at $4.000M
Cleaned-up cottage at 1630 Marine starts at $989K
Sold data slow to post but 811 Boundary Place got $2.700M
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