Hill Section modern showpiece with unusual layout at 911 Duncan has a deal (list: $3.750M)
70s modern at 1602 10th makes a deal soon after price chop to $1.780M
Newer ('08) modern TH at 425 Marine makes a quick deal (list: $2.199M)
Tree Section/Martyrs Hill modern at 1144 Highview chops $100K to $2.749M
Unusual double-wide alley lot at 444 33rd Place has a deal (list: $1.375M)
Mostly original Village TH at 58 Sausalito closes for $1.375M
Corner-lot triplex (lot sale?) at 113 29th chops $345K to $4.950M
Hill Section 90s contemporary at 200 S. Poinsettia chops $200K to $3.995M
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