
How We Help Buyers

You won't find the usual pabulum here.

MB Confidential has been about buyer empowerment since its founding in 2007.

The basic idea: Information is power. Buyers have been lacking good information. So let's give it to them.

That spirit, plus years' worth of effort, helped create the best Manhattan Beach real estate site that we could imagine. It's for you, because we believe tools like MBC ought to be available to anyone.

Since founding MBC, Dave has transitioned from buyers' advocate to buyers' agent in many cases. And while he happily helps sellers as well, most of Dave's clients are buyers.

Maybe that's because buyers know that Dave understands them just as surely as he understands the Manhattan Beach market.

We know this process is all-encompassing and all-important to your family. We feel it. And we promise to do our best. Engagement, communication and follow-up are what you need. That, we do.

Concretely, here's what else we'll do for and with buyers who are our clients:

  • Dave will interview you online and in person to discern your priorities – home size, schools, family, price range, etc.;
  • We'll introduce you to neighborhoods and pockets of MB that you may not know;
  • We'll give you comparable sales from recent months that might have met your criteria – a good way of gauging what might come up again in the future;
  • We'll advise you on what to expect, how the process works, etc., if you're new to it;
  • We'll be your "eyes and ears" in town, watching out for new listings meeting your criteria – we often get word of properties before they hit the market and will give you first notice;
  • We might find you a property off-market – no promises, but a few times recently through MB Confidential we were able to pair buyers and sellers privately;
  • We'll give you our unvarnished opinion of listings as they come out and as we tour them;
  • We'll snap photos of new listings, and even make video walkthrough tours for you, when appropriate, to help you feel out a home before coming to tour it;
  • We'll provide links to good mortgage professionals if you need them;
  • When the time for an offer comes, we'll tell you what we think a property is really worth and help you develop the strongest, fairest offer to help you succeed; this is no small feat in the competitive environment of recent months and years; and

Your agent's job is not over with the offer. Not at all.

When your offer is accepted, we'll help steer you through the inspections process and bring in experts and contractors that you may need, then help you negotiate any repairs.

Dave is a broker and has a real estate attorney on call for issues that may come up during a transaction.

Very rare is the transaction that goes 100% smoothly – but Dave will share his perspective and help guide you through even when things (possibly) get rough.

The end goal is often the same: The right home at the right price. It's personally satisfying to help clients reach that point.

Ready to take the next step?

  • use the form below,
  • email Dave  (address: df90266 [ at ], or
  • phone or text using (310) 243-6299.

Dave will get right back to you!

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