
Veterans Parkway/Greenbelt

Veterans Parkway, commonly referred to as the Greenbelt, or the woodchip path, is the longest park in town, stretching across the entire Western half of Manhattan Beach, along Valley Drive and Ardmore Ave. Comprising 21 acres altogether, it includes a jogging trail and a wheelchair-accessible exercise station located between 10th and 11th Streets. There are park benches at every quarter-mile along the path, as well as drinking fountains. Leashed dogs are allowed along the length of the park.

The walking path is completely level throughout the park, because the area was once built out for railroad tracks. Santa Fe Railroad commercial lines began operating in the 1880s, connecting to wharves in Redondo Beach, but by the 1970s, they were rarely used. Both Hermosa Beach and Manhattan Beach eventually purchased the land to use exclusively as parkland. On Veterans Day, 1998, Manhattan Beach officially named its section of the greenbelt Veterans Parkway.

Landmarks along the parkway include the Veterans’ Memorial (at 15th Street) and the Peace Pole (between 17th and 18th Streets). The 9/11 Memorial can be seen from Veterans’ Parkway; it is located at the southeast corner of Valley Drive and 15th Street, just outside the Manhattan Beach Police Station.

In 2021-22, a major city public works project was conducted at multiple locations on the greenbelt to construct several new injection wells, increasing the protection they provide for the city's groundwater against seawater intrusion.

There is parking availability all along Veterans Parkway on Valley Drive and Ardmore Ave.


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Looking for help with your home search or sale? MB Confidential producer Dave Fratello is an active local broker with Edge Real Estate Agency. He and the team would be honored to help!

Edge is a full-service, boutique real estate agency representing buyers and sellers. We are experts in residential real estate in Manhattan Beach and nearby South Bay real estate markets.

We’re different because we uniquely blend online savvy, tech proficiency, marketing expertise, local knowledge and experience with negotiations and transactions in this area. For any question or a free consultation, reach out to Dave today!

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